
Introduction πŸŽ‰ #

(πŸ‘‰ δΈ­ζ–‡η‰ˆ)

Unlock all the cool features in two simple ways:

  1. Use your own OpenAI API key. πŸ”‘
  2. Or buy a special API key from me. 🎁

Please contact me by email: [email protected].

Telegram Channel:

How to Buy πŸ›οΈ #

First, create an account here. Then, tell me your account name. You can add funds to your account using WeChat, Alipay, or PayPal. 🏦 Since we don’t have a direct payment method yet, we’ll chat over email to arrange the transfer. πŸ“§

This is a non-profit project, and I do not earn any commissions or markup fees. The exchange rate is uniformly calculated at 8. Due to well-known reasons, cross-border payments to OpenAI are quite challenging, resulting in higher currency conversion costs, which are not fees charged for my services.

P.S. In practice, various LLM channels may offer different discounts, and some channels might even provide services for free. I will automatically select the channel offering the highest discount at the time. Please refer to the system logs for specific usage details.

Refunds #

If you need a refund, just email me. We’ll calculate the refund based on the market price when you added the funds. πŸ“ˆ

How to Use πŸš€ #

Web Usage #

The easiest way is to go to, and put your API key in the top right corner.

After you enter your API key, just refresh the page, and voila! All features are unlocked. 🎊

Third-Party Usage #

To make a request, it’s essential that you use my gateway rather than reaching out to OpenAI directly. If you’re working with a third-party app, you need to adjust the settings to include both the API_BASE and the API_KEY. For the API_BASE, enter my gateway’s URL, and use your token as the API_KEY.

Click to view the currently supported documents

Check out these third-party products:

OpenAI Translator #

Immersive Translate #

GPTCommit #

Disclaimer πŸ“ #

This is a friendly, non-profit project. I don’t charge any fees, just providing a way to use the service. I can’t guarantee the service quality, but I’ll do my best!

The content comes from users or AI, and I’m not responsible for any output.

If you run into any issues, don’t hesitate to contact me. I’ll do my best to help out ASAP. For refunds, just drop me an email. πŸ’Œ